Jiangsu HuiMing machinery Co.,Ltd
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    cheap cost pvc lining extrusion and blend

      Typical processing parameters for 2.5inch  firehose                    
    1 drying                    
      PVC pellets don't have to be dried in hopper dryer connected to dehumidifier at maximum temperature of 110ºC for 2~3hours before extruding                    
      If you use liquid glue to bond PVC and jacket,you just need to immerse pvc in the solution of liquid PU glue.                     
      If you use solid glue to bond PVC and jacket,Don't try to drying PU glue in hopper dryer at more than 60 ºC                    
    2 extruding                    
      Extruder SJ65/30                  
      Material PVC pellets